Ethiraric 842d536cb0 Implement LoadableYamlNode for MarkedYaml.
A few changes have had to be made to `LoadableYamlNode`:
  * The `From<Yaml>` requirement has been removed as it can be
    error-prone. It was not a direct conversion as it is unable to
    handle `Yaml::Hash` or `Yaml::Array` with a non-empty array/map.
  * Instead, `from_bare_yaml` was added, which does essentially the same
    as `From` but does not leak for users of the library.
  * `with_marker` has been added to populate the marker for the `Node`.
    The function is empty for `Yaml`.

`load_from_*` methods have been added to `MarkedYaml` for convenience.
They load YAML using the markers.

The markers returned from `saphyr-parser` are not all correct, meaning
that tests are kind of useless for now as they will fail due to bugs
outside of the scope of this library.
2024-07-03 00:55:41 +02:00

283 lines
9.5 KiB

//! Utilities for extracting YAML with certain metadata.
pub mod marked_yaml;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use hashlink::LinkedHashMap;
use crate::loader::parse_f64;
/// YAML data for nodes that will contain annotations.
/// If you want a YAML node without annotations, see [`Yaml`].
/// If you want a YAML node with annotations, see types using [`YamlData`] such as [`MarkedYaml`]
/// Unlike [`Yaml`] which only supports storing data, [`YamlData`] allows storing metadata
/// alongside the YAML data. It is unlikely one would build it directly; it is mostly intended to
/// be used, for instance, when parsing a YAML where retrieving markers / comments is relevant.
/// This definition is recursive. Each annotated node will be a structure storing the annotations
/// and the YAML data. We need to have a distinct enumeration from [`Yaml`] because the type for
/// the `Array` and `Hash` variants is dependant on that structure.
/// If we had written [`YamlData`] as:
/// ```ignore
/// pub enum YamlData {
/// // ...
/// Array(Vec<Yaml>),
/// Hash(LinkedHashMap<Yaml, Yaml>),
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// we would have stored metadata for the root node only. All subsequent nodes would be [`Yaml`],
/// which does not contain any annotation.
/// Notable differences with [`Yaml`]:
/// * Indexing cannot return `BadValue` and will panic instead.
/// [`Yaml`]: crate::Yaml
/// [`MarkedYaml`]: marked_yaml::MarkedYaml
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Debug, Eq, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum YamlData<Node>
Node: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq + From<Self>,
/// Float types are stored as String and parsed on demand.
/// Note that `f64` does NOT implement Eq trait and can NOT be stored in `BTreeMap`.
/// YAML int is stored as i64.
/// YAML scalar.
/// YAML bool, e.g. `true` or `false`.
/// YAML array, can be accessed as a `Vec`.
/// YAML hash, can be accessed as a `LinkedHashMap`.
/// Insertion order will match the order of insertion into the map.
/// Alias, not fully supported yet.
/// YAML null, e.g. `null` or `~`.
/// Accessing a nonexistent node via the Index trait returns `BadValue`. This
/// simplifies error handling in the calling code. Invalid type conversion also
/// returns `BadValue`.
/// The type contained in the [`YamlData::Array`] variant. This corresponds to YAML sequences.
pub type AnnotatedArray<Node> = Vec<Node>;
/// The type contained in the [`YamlData::Hash`] variant. This corresponds to YAML mappings.
pub type AnnotatedHash<Node> = LinkedHashMap<Node, Node>;
impl<Node> YamlData<Node>
Node: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq + From<Self>,
define_as!(as_bool, bool, Boolean);
define_as!(as_i64, i64, Integer);
define_as_ref!(as_hash, &AnnotatedHash<Node>, Hash);
define_as_ref!(as_str, &str, String);
define_as_ref!(as_vec, &AnnotatedArray<Node>, Array);
define_as_mut_ref!(as_mut_hash, &mut AnnotatedHash<Node>, Hash);
define_as_mut_ref!(as_mut_vec, &mut AnnotatedArray<Node>, Array);
define_into!(into_bool, bool, Boolean);
define_into!(into_hash, AnnotatedHash<Node>, Hash);
define_into!(into_i64, i64, Integer);
define_into!(into_string, String, String);
define_into!(into_vec, AnnotatedArray<Node>, Array);
define_is!(is_alias, Self::Alias(_));
define_is!(is_array, Self::Array(_));
define_is!(is_badvalue, Self::BadValue);
define_is!(is_boolean, Self::Boolean(_));
define_is!(is_hash, Self::Hash(_));
define_is!(is_integer, Self::Integer(_));
define_is!(is_null, Self::Null);
define_is!(is_real, Self::Real(_));
define_is!(is_string, Self::String(_));
/// Return the `f64` value contained in this YAML node.
/// If the node is not a [`YamlData::Real`] YAML node or its contents is not a valid `f64`
/// string, `None` is returned.
pub fn as_f64(&self) -> Option<f64> {
if let Self::Real(ref v) = self {
} else {
/// Return the `f64` value contained in this YAML node.
/// If the node is not a [`YamlData::Real`] YAML node or its contents is not a valid `f64`
/// string, `None` is returned.
pub fn into_f64(self) -> Option<f64> {
/// If a value is null or otherwise bad (see variants), consume it and
/// replace it with a given value `other`. Otherwise, return self unchanged.
/// See [`Yaml::or`] for examples.
/// [`Yaml::or`]: crate::Yaml::or
pub fn or(self, other: Self) -> Self {
match self {
Self::BadValue | Self::Null => other,
this => this,
/// See [`Self::or`] for behavior.
/// This performs the same operations, but with borrowed values for less linear pipelines.
pub fn borrowed_or<'a>(&'a self, other: &'a Self) -> &'a Self {
match self {
Self::BadValue | Self::Null => other,
this => this,
// NOTE(ethiraric, 10/06/2024): We cannot create a "generic static" variable which would act as a
// `BAD_VALUE`. This means that, unlike for `Yaml`, we have to make the indexing method panic.
impl<'a, Node> Index<&'a str> for YamlData<Node>
Node: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq + From<Self>,
type Output = Node;
/// Perform indexing if `self` is a mapping.
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if the key given does not exist within `self` (as per [`Index`]).
/// This function also panics if `self` is not a [`YamlData::Hash`].
fn index(&self, idx: &'a str) -> &Node {
let key = Self::String(idx.to_owned());
match self.as_hash() {
Some(h) => h.get(&key.into()).unwrap(),
None => panic!("{idx}: key does not exist"),
impl<'a, Node> IndexMut<&'a str> for YamlData<Node>
Node: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq + From<Self>,
/// Perform indexing if `self` is a mapping.
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if the key given does not exist within `self` (as per [`Index`]).
/// This function also panics if `self` is not a [`YamlData::Hash`].
fn index_mut(&mut self, idx: &'a str) -> &mut Node {
let key = Self::String(idx.to_owned());
match self.as_mut_hash() {
Some(h) => h.get_mut(&key.into()).unwrap(),
None => panic!("Not a hash type"),
impl<Node> Index<usize> for YamlData<Node>
Node: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq + From<Self>,
type Output = Node;
/// Perform indexing if `self` is a sequence or a mapping.
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if the index given is out of range (as per [`Index`]). If `self` is a
/// [`YamlData::Array`], this is when the index is bigger or equal to the length of the
/// underlying `Vec`. If `self` is a [`YamlData::Hash`], this is when the mapping sequence does
/// not contain [`YamlData::Integer`]`(idx)` as a key.
/// This function also panics if `self` is not a [`YamlData::Array`] nor a [`YamlData::Hash`].
fn index(&self, idx: usize) -> &Node {
if let Some(v) = self.as_vec() {
} else if let Some(v) = self.as_hash() {
let key = Self::Integer(i64::try_from(idx).unwrap());
} else {
panic!("{idx}: Index out of bounds");
impl<Node> IndexMut<usize> for YamlData<Node>
Node: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq + From<Self>,
/// Perform indexing if `self` is a sequence or a mapping.
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if the index given is out of range (as per [`IndexMut`]). If `self` is
/// a [`YamlData::Array`], this is when the index is bigger or equal to the length of the
/// underlying `Vec`. If `self` is a [`YamlData::Hash`], this is when the mapping sequence does
/// not contain [`YamlData::Integer`]`(idx)` as a key.
/// This function also panics if `self` is not a [`YamlData::Array`] nor a [`YamlData::Hash`].
fn index_mut(&mut self, idx: usize) -> &mut Node {
match self {
Self::Array(sequence) => sequence.index_mut(idx),
Self::Hash(mapping) => {
let key = Self::Integer(i64::try_from(idx).unwrap());
_ => panic!("Attempting to index but `self` is not a sequence nor a mapping"),
impl<Node> IntoIterator for YamlData<Node>
Node: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq + From<Self>,
type Item = Node;
type IntoIter = AnnotatedYamlIter<Node>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
Self::IntoIter {
yaml: self.into_vec().unwrap_or_default().into_iter(),
/// An iterator over a [`YamlData`] node.
pub struct AnnotatedYamlIter<Node>
Node: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq + From<YamlData<Node>>,
yaml: std::vec::IntoIter<Node>,
impl<Node> Iterator for AnnotatedYamlIter<Node>
Node: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq + From<YamlData<Node>>,
type Item = Node;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Node> {