This is a huge commit that cannot easily be broken down as it contains fixes for the next ignored test in the suite which, one fixed, broke tests that used to pass and were only then fixed. There is also a substantial amount of comments that were added, especially around `SimpleKey`. Minor improvements around the code were added and I did not bother making a separate commit for them. Overall, that commit fixes 7 tests from the matrix that were related to the handling of simple keys.
338 lines
11 KiB
338 lines
11 KiB
use std::fs::{self, DirEntry};
use libtest_mimic::{run_tests, Arguments, Outcome, Test};
use yaml_rust::{
parser::{Event, EventReceiver, Parser, Tag},
yaml, ScanError, Yaml, YamlLoader,
type Result<T, E = Box<dyn std::error::Error>> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
struct YamlTest {
yaml_visual: String,
yaml: String,
expected_events: String,
expected_error: bool,
is_xfail: bool,
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut arguments = Arguments::from_args();
if arguments.num_threads.is_none() {
arguments.num_threads = Some(1);
let tests: Vec<Vec<_>> = std::fs::read_dir("tests/yaml-test-suite/src")?
.map(|entry| -> Result<_> {
let entry = entry?;
let tests = load_tests_from_file(&entry)?;
let mut tests: Vec<_> = tests.into_iter().flatten().collect();
tests.sort_by_key(|t| t.name.clone());
let missing_xfails: Vec<_> = EXPECTED_FAILURES
.filter(|&&test| !tests.iter().any(|t| t.name == test))
if !missing_xfails.is_empty() {
"The following EXPECTED_FAILURES not found during discovery: {:?}",
run_tests(&arguments, tests, run_yaml_test).exit();
fn run_yaml_test(test: &Test<YamlTest>) -> Outcome {
let desc = &test.data;
let actual_events = parse_to_events(&desc.yaml);
let events_diff = actual_events.map(|events| events_differ(events, &desc.expected_events));
let mut error_text = match (events_diff, desc.expected_error) {
(Ok(x), true) => Some(format!("no error when expected: {x:#?}")),
(Err(_), true) => None,
(Err(e), false) => Some(format!("unexpected error {:?}", e)),
(Ok(Some(diff)), false) => Some(format!("events differ: {}", diff)),
(Ok(None), false) => None,
if let Some(text) = &mut error_text {
use std::fmt::Write;
let _ = write!(text, "\n### Input:\n{}\n### End", desc.yaml_visual);
match (error_text, desc.is_xfail) {
(None, false) => Outcome::Passed,
(Some(text), false) => Outcome::Failed { msg: Some(text) },
(Some(_), true) => Outcome::Ignored,
(None, true) => Outcome::Failed {
msg: Some("expected to fail but passes".into()),
fn load_tests_from_file(entry: &DirEntry) -> Result<Vec<Test<YamlTest>>> {
let file_name = entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().to_string();
let test_name = file_name
.ok_or("unexpected filename")?;
let tests = YamlLoader::load_from_str(&fs::read_to_string(&entry.path())?)?;
let tests = tests[0].as_vec().ok_or("no test list found in file")?;
let mut result = vec![];
let mut current_test = yaml::Hash::new();
for (idx, test_data) in tests.iter().enumerate() {
let name = if tests.len() > 1 {
format!("{}-{:02}", test_name, idx)
} else {
let is_xfail = EXPECTED_FAILURES.contains(&name.as_str());
// Test fields except `fail` are "inherited"
let test_data = test_data.as_hash().unwrap();
for (key, value) in test_data.clone() {
current_test.insert(key, value);
let current_test = Yaml::Hash(current_test.clone()); // Much better indexing
if current_test["skip"] != Yaml::BadValue {
result.push(Test {
kind: String::new(),
is_ignored: false,
is_bench: false,
data: YamlTest {
yaml_visual: current_test["yaml"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(),
yaml: visual_to_raw(current_test["yaml"].as_str().unwrap()),
expected_events: visual_to_raw(current_test["tree"].as_str().unwrap()),
expected_error: current_test["fail"].as_bool() == Some(true),
fn parse_to_events(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>, ScanError> {
let mut reporter = EventReporter::new();
Parser::new(source.chars()).load(&mut reporter, true)?;
struct EventReporter {
events: Vec<String>,
impl EventReporter {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { events: vec![] }
impl EventReceiver for EventReporter {
fn on_event(&mut self, ev: Event) {
let line: String = match ev {
Event::StreamStart => "+STR".into(),
Event::StreamEnd => "-STR".into(),
Event::DocumentStart => "+DOC".into(),
Event::DocumentEnd => "-DOC".into(),
Event::SequenceStart(idx, tag) => {
format!("+SEQ{}{}", format_index(idx), format_tag(&tag))
Event::SequenceEnd => "-SEQ".into(),
Event::MappingStart(idx, tag) => {
format!("+MAP{}{}", format_index(idx), format_tag(&tag))
Event::MappingEnd => "-MAP".into(),
Event::Scalar(ref text, style, idx, ref tag) => {
let kind = match style {
TScalarStyle::Plain => ":",
TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted => "'",
TScalarStyle::DoubleQuoted => r#"""#,
TScalarStyle::Literal => "|",
TScalarStyle::Foled => ">",
TScalarStyle::Any => unreachable!(),
"=VAL{}{} {}{}",
Event::Alias(idx) => format!("=ALI *{}", idx),
Event::Nothing => return,
fn format_index(idx: usize) -> String {
if idx > 0 {
format!(" &{}", idx)
} else {
fn escape_text(text: &str) -> String {
let mut text = text.to_owned();
for (ch, replacement) in [
('\\', r#"\\"#),
('\n', "\\n"),
('\r', "\\r"),
('\x08', "\\b"),
('\t', "\\t"),
] {
text = text.replace(ch, replacement);
fn format_tag(tag: &Option<Tag>) -> String {
if let Some(tag) = tag {
format!(" <{}{}>", tag.handle, tag.suffix)
} else {
fn events_differ(actual: Vec<String>, expected: &str) -> Option<String> {
let actual = actual.iter().map(Some).chain(std::iter::repeat(None));
let expected = expected_events(expected);
let expected = expected.iter().map(Some).chain(std::iter::repeat(None));
for (idx, (act, exp)) in actual.zip(expected).enumerate() {
return match (act, exp) {
(Some(act), Some(exp)) => {
if act == exp {
} else {
"line {} differs: expected `{}`, found `{}`",
idx, exp, act
(Some(a), None) => Some(format!("extra actual line: {:?}", a)),
(None, Some(e)) => Some(format!("extra expected line: {:?}", e)),
(None, None) => None,
/// Convert the snippets from "visual" to "actual" representation
fn visual_to_raw(yaml: &str) -> String {
let mut yaml = yaml.to_owned();
for (pat, replacement) in [
("␣", " "),
("»", "\t"),
("—", ""), // Tab line continuation ——»
("←", "\r"),
("⇔", "\u{FEFF}"),
("↵", ""), // Trailing newline marker
("∎\n", ""),
] {
yaml = yaml.replace(pat, replacement);
/// Adapt the expectations to the yaml-rust reasonable limitations
/// Drop information on node styles (flow/block) and anchor names.
/// Both are things that can be omitted according to spec.
fn expected_events(expected_tree: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut anchors = vec![];
.map(|s| s.trim_start().to_owned())
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
.map(|mut s| {
// Anchor name-to-number conversion
if let Some(start) = s.find('&') {
if s[..start].find(':').is_none() {
let len = s[start..].find(' ').unwrap_or(s[start..].len());
anchors.push(s[start + 1..start + len].to_owned());
s = s.replace(&s[start..start + len], &format!("&{}", anchors.len()));
// Alias nodes name-to-number
if s.starts_with("=ALI") {
let start = s.find('*').unwrap();
let name = &s[start + 1..];
let idx = anchors
.filter(|(_, v)| v == &name)
s = s.replace(&s[start..], &format!("*{}", idx + 1));
// Dropping style information
match &*s {
"+DOC ---" => "+DOC".into(),
"-DOC ..." => "-DOC".into(),
s if s.starts_with("+SEQ []") => s.replacen("+SEQ []", "+SEQ", 1),
s if s.starts_with("+MAP {}") => s.replacen("+MAP {}", "+MAP", 1),
"=VAL :" => "=VAL :~".into(), // FIXME: known bug
s => s.into(),
static EXPECTED_FAILURES: &[&str] = &[
// Flow mapping colon on next line / multiline key in flow mapping
// Bare document after end marker
// Scalar marker on document start line
// Comments on nonempty lines need leading space
// Directives (various)
"9HCY", // Directive after content
"EB22", // Directive after content
"MUS6-01", // no document end marker?
"RHX7", // no document end marker
"SF5V", // duplicate directive
"W4TN", // scalar confused as directive
// Losing trailing newline
// Dashes in flow sequence (should be forbidden)
// Misc
"9MMW", // Mapping key in implicit mapping in flow sequence(!)
"G9HC", // Anchor indent problem(?)
"H7J7", // Anchor indent / linebreak problem?
"3UYS", // Escaped /
"HRE5", // Escaped ' in double-quoted (should not work)
"QB6E", // Indent for multiline double-quoted scalar
"S98Z", // Block scalar and indent problems?
"U99R", // Comma is not allowed in tags
"WZ62", // Empty content