403 lines
12 KiB
403 lines
12 KiB
use std::fs::{self, DirEntry};
use libtest_mimic::{run_tests, Arguments, Outcome, Test};
use yaml_rust::{
parser::{Event, EventReceiver, Parser},
scanner::{TScalarStyle, TokenType},
yaml, ScanError, Yaml, YamlLoader,
type Result<T, E = Box<dyn std::error::Error>> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
struct YamlTest {
yaml_visual: String,
yaml: String,
expected_events: String,
expected_error: bool,
is_xfail: bool,
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut arguments = Arguments::from_args();
if arguments.num_threads.is_none() {
arguments.num_threads = Some(1);
let tests: Vec<Vec<_>> = std::fs::read_dir("tests/yaml-test-suite/src")?
.map(|entry| -> Result<_> {
let entry = entry?;
let tests = load_tests_from_file(&entry)?;
let mut tests: Vec<_> = tests.into_iter().flatten().collect();
tests.sort_by_key(|t| t.name.clone());
let missing_xfails: Vec<_> = EXPECTED_FAILURES
.filter(|&&test| !tests.iter().any(|t| t.name == test))
if !missing_xfails.is_empty() {
"The following EXPECTED_FAILURES not found during discovery: {:?}",
run_tests(&arguments, tests, run_yaml_test).exit();
fn run_yaml_test(test: &Test<YamlTest>) -> Outcome {
let desc = &test.data;
let actual_events = parse_to_events(&desc.yaml);
let events_diff = actual_events.map(|events| events_differ(events, &desc.expected_events));
let mut error_text = match (events_diff, desc.expected_error) {
(Ok(_), true) => Some("no error when expected".into()),
(Err(_), true) => None,
(Err(e), false) => Some(format!("unexpected error {:?}", e)),
(Ok(Some(diff)), false) => Some(format!("events differ: {}", diff)),
(Ok(None), false) => None,
if let Some(text) = &mut error_text {
use std::fmt::Write;
let _ = write!(text, "\n### Input:\n{}\n### End", desc.yaml_visual);
match (error_text, desc.is_xfail) {
(None, false) => Outcome::Passed,
(Some(text), false) => Outcome::Failed { msg: Some(text) },
(Some(_), true) => Outcome::Ignored,
(None, true) => Outcome::Failed {
msg: Some("expected to fail but passes".into()),
fn load_tests_from_file(entry: &DirEntry) -> Result<Vec<Test<YamlTest>>> {
let file_name = entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().to_string();
let test_name = file_name
.ok_or("unexpected filename")?;
let tests = YamlLoader::load_from_str(&fs::read_to_string(&entry.path())?)?;
let tests = tests[0].as_vec().ok_or("no test list found in file")?;
let mut result = vec![];
let mut current_test = yaml::Hash::new();
for (idx, test_data) in tests.iter().enumerate() {
let name = if tests.len() > 1 {
format!("{}-{:02}", test_name, idx)
} else {
let is_xfail = EXPECTED_FAILURES.contains(&name.as_str());
// Test fields except `fail` are "inherited"
let test_data = test_data.as_hash().unwrap();
for (key, value) in test_data.clone() {
current_test.insert(key, value);
let current_test = Yaml::Hash(current_test.clone()); // Much better indexing
if current_test["skip"] != Yaml::BadValue {
result.push(Test {
kind: String::new(),
is_ignored: false,
is_bench: false,
data: YamlTest {
yaml_visual: current_test["yaml"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(),
yaml: visual_to_raw(current_test["yaml"].as_str().unwrap()),
expected_events: visual_to_raw(current_test["tree"].as_str().unwrap()),
expected_error: current_test["fail"].as_bool() == Some(true),
fn parse_to_events(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>, ScanError> {
let mut reporter = EventReporter::new();
Parser::new(source.chars()).load(&mut reporter, true)?;
struct EventReporter {
events: Vec<String>,
impl EventReporter {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { events: vec![] }
impl EventReceiver for EventReporter {
fn on_event(&mut self, ev: Event) {
let line: String = match ev {
Event::StreamStart => "+STR".into(),
Event::StreamEnd => "-STR".into(),
Event::DocumentStart => "+DOC".into(),
Event::DocumentEnd => "-DOC".into(),
Event::SequenceStart(idx) => format!("+SEQ{}", format_index(idx)),
Event::SequenceEnd => "-SEQ".into(),
Event::MappingStart(idx) => format!("+MAP{}", format_index(idx)),
Event::MappingEnd => "-MAP".into(),
Event::Scalar(ref text, style, idx, ref tag) => {
let kind = match style {
TScalarStyle::Plain => ":",
TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted => "'",
TScalarStyle::DoubleQuoted => r#"""#,
TScalarStyle::Literal => "|",
TScalarStyle::Foled => ">",
TScalarStyle::Any => unreachable!(),
"=VAL{}{} {}{}",
Event::Alias(idx) => format!("=ALI *{}", idx),
Event::Nothing => return,
fn format_index(idx: usize) -> String {
if idx > 0 {
format!(" &{}", idx)
} else {
fn escape_text(text: &str) -> String {
let mut text = text.to_owned();
for (ch, replacement) in [
('\\', r#"\\"#),
('\n', "\\n"),
('\r', "\\r"),
('\x08', "\\b"),
('\t', "\\t"),
] {
text = text.replace(ch, replacement);
fn format_tag(tag: &Option<TokenType>) -> String {
if let Some(TokenType::Tag(ns, tag)) = tag {
let ns = match ns.as_str() {
"!!" => "tag:yaml.org,2002:", // Wrong if this ns is overridden
other => other,
format!(" <{}{}>", ns, tag)
} else {
fn events_differ(actual: Vec<String>, expected: &str) -> Option<String> {
let actual = actual.iter().map(Some).chain(std::iter::repeat(None));
let expected = expected_events(expected);
let expected = expected.iter().map(Some).chain(std::iter::repeat(None));
for (idx, (act, exp)) in actual.zip(expected).enumerate() {
return match (act, exp) {
(Some(act), Some(exp)) => {
if act == exp {
} else {
"line {} differs: expected `{}`, found `{}`",
idx, exp, act
(Some(a), None) => Some(format!("extra actual line: {:?}", a)),
(None, Some(e)) => Some(format!("extra expected line: {:?}", e)),
(None, None) => None,
/// Convert the snippets from "visual" to "actual" representation
fn visual_to_raw(yaml: &str) -> String {
let mut yaml = yaml.to_owned();
for (pat, replacement) in [
("␣", " "),
("»", "\t"),
("—", ""), // Tab line continuation ——»
("←", "\r"),
("⇔", "\u{FEFF}"),
("↵", ""), // Trailing newline marker
("∎\n", ""),
] {
yaml = yaml.replace(pat, replacement);
/// Adapt the expectations to the yaml-rust reasonable limitations
/// Drop information on node styles (flow/block) and anchor names.
/// Both are things that can be omitted according to spec.
fn expected_events(expected_tree: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut anchors = vec![];
.map(|s| s.trim_start().to_owned())
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
.map(|mut s| {
// Anchor name-to-number conversion
if let Some(start) = s.find('&') {
if s[..start].find(':').is_none() {
let len = s[start..].find(' ').unwrap_or(s[start..].len());
anchors.push(s[start + 1..start + len].to_owned());
s = s.replace(&s[start..start + len], &format!("&{}", anchors.len()));
// Alias nodes name-to-number
if s.starts_with("=ALI") {
let start = s.find('*').unwrap();
let name = &s[start + 1..];
let idx = anchors
.filter(|(_, v)| v == &name)
s = s.replace(&s[start..], &format!("*{}", idx + 1));
// Dropping style information
match &*s {
"+DOC ---" => "+DOC".into(),
"-DOC ..." => "-DOC".into(),
s if s.starts_with("+SEQ []") => s.replacen("+SEQ []", "+SEQ", 1),
s if s.starts_with("+MAP {}") => s.replacen("+MAP {}", "+MAP", 1),
"=VAL :" => "=VAL :~".into(), // FIXME: known bug
s => s.into(),
static EXPECTED_FAILURES: &[&str] = &[
// These seem to be API limited (not enough information on the event stream level)
// No tag available for SEQ and MAP
// Cannot resolve tag namespaces
"P76L", // overriding the `!!` namespace!
// These seem to be plain bugs
// Leading TAB in literal scalars
// TAB as start of plain scalar instead of whitespace
"4EJS", // unexpected pass
"Y79Y-03", // unexpected pass
"Y79Y-04", // unexpected pass
"Y79Y-05", // unexpected pass
// TABs in whitespace-only lines
// TABs after marker ? or : (space required?)
// Other TABs
"DK95-01", // in double-quoted scalar
// Empty key in flow mappings
// Document with no nodes and document end
// Unusual characters in anchors/aliases
"8XYN", // emoji!!
"W5VH", // :@*!$"<foo>:
// Flow mapping colon on next line / multiline key in flow mapping
// Bare document after end marker
// Scalar marker on document start line
// Comments on nonempty lines need leading space
// Directives (various)
"9HCY", // Directive after content
"EB22", // Directive after content
"MUS6-01", // no document end marker?
"QLJ7", // TAG directives should not be inherited between documents
"RHX7", // no document end marker
"SF5V", // duplicate directive
"W4TN", // scalar confused as directive
// Losing trailing newline
// Dashes in flow sequence (should be forbidden)
// Misc
"9MMW", // Mapping key in implicit mapping in flow sequence(!)
"G9HC", // Anchor indent problem(?)
"H7J7", // Anchor indent / linebreak problem?
"3UYS", // Escaped /
"HRE5", // Escaped ' in double-quoted (should not work)
"QB6E", // Indent for multiline double-quoted scalar
"S98Z", // Block scalar and indent problems?
"U99R", // Comma is not allowed in tags
"WZ62", // Empty content