#![allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, rngs::SmallRng, Rng}; /// Generate a string with hexadecimal digits of the specified length. pub fn hex_string(rng: &mut SmallRng, len: usize) -> String { const DIGITS: &[u8] = b"0123456789abcdef"; string_from_set(rng, len, len + 1, DIGITS) } /// Generate an e-mail address. pub fn email(rng: &mut SmallRng, len_lo: usize, len_hi: usize) -> String { const CHARSET: &[u8] = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_.0123456789"; format!( "{}@example.com", string_from_set(rng, len_lo, len_hi, CHARSET) ) } /// Generate a random URL. pub fn url( rng: &mut SmallRng, scheme: &str, n_paths_lo: usize, n_paths_hi: usize, path_len_lo: usize, path_len_hi: usize, extension: Option<&str>, ) -> String { let mut string = format!("{scheme}://example.com"); for _ in 0..rng.gen_range(n_paths_lo..n_paths_hi) { string.push('/'); string.push_str(&alnum_string(rng, path_len_lo, path_len_hi)); } if let Some(extension) = extension { string.push('.'); string.push_str(extension); } string } /// Generate a random integer. pub fn integer(rng: &mut SmallRng, lo: i64, hi: i64) -> i64 { rng.gen_range(lo..hi) } /// Generate an alphanumeric string with a length between `lo_len` and `hi_len`. pub fn alnum_string(rng: &mut SmallRng, lo_len: usize, hi_len: usize) -> String { let len = rng.gen_range(lo_len..hi_len); rng.sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(len) .map(char::from) .collect() } /// Generate a string with hexadecimal digits of the specified length. pub fn string_from_set(rng: &mut SmallRng, len_lo: usize, len_hi: usize, set: &[u8]) -> String { (0..rng.gen_range(len_lo..len_hi)) .map(|_| set[rng.gen_range(0..set.len())] as char) .collect() } /// Generate a lipsum paragraph. pub fn paragraph( rng: &mut SmallRng, lines_lo: usize, lines_hi: usize, wps_lo: usize, wps_hi: usize, line_maxcol: usize, ) -> Vec { let mut ret = Vec::new(); let nlines = rng.gen_range(lines_lo..lines_hi); while ret.len() < nlines { let words_in_sentence = rng.gen_range(wps_lo..wps_hi); let mut sentence = lipsum::lipsum_words_with_rng(rng.clone(), words_in_sentence); if let Some(last_line) = ret.pop() { sentence = format!("{last_line} {sentence}"); } while sentence.len() > line_maxcol { let last_space_idx = line_maxcol - sentence[0..line_maxcol] .chars() .rev() .position(char::is_whitespace) .unwrap(); ret.push(sentence[0..last_space_idx].to_string()); sentence = sentence[last_space_idx + 1..].to_string(); } if !sentence.is_empty() { ret.push(sentence); } } ret } /// Generate a full name. pub fn full_name(rng: &mut SmallRng, len_lo: usize, len_hi: usize) -> String { format!( "{} {}", name(rng, len_lo, len_hi), name(rng, len_lo, len_hi) ) } /// Generate a name. pub fn name(rng: &mut SmallRng, len_lo: usize, len_hi: usize) -> String { const UPPER: &[u8] = b"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; const LOWER: &[u8] = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; let len = rng.gen_range(len_lo..len_hi); let mut ret = String::new(); ret.push(UPPER[rng.gen_range(0..UPPER.len())] as char); ret.push_str(string_from_set(rng, len, len + 1, LOWER).as_str()); ret } /// Generate a set of words. pub fn words(rng: &mut SmallRng, words_lo: usize, words_hi: usize) -> String { let nwords = rng.gen_range(words_lo..words_hi); lipsum::lipsum_words_with_rng(rng.clone(), nwords).replace(|c| "-\'\",*:".contains(c), "") } /// Generate a lipsum text. /// /// Texts are composed of some paragraphs and empty lines between them. pub fn text( rng: &mut SmallRng, paragraphs_lo: usize, paragraphs_hi: usize, lines_lo: usize, lines_hi: usize, wps_lo: usize, wps_hi: usize, line_maxcol: usize, ) -> Vec { let mut ret = Vec::new(); let mut first = true; for _ in 0..rng.gen_range(paragraphs_lo..paragraphs_hi) { if first { first = false; } else { ret.push(String::new()); } ret.extend(paragraph(rng, lines_lo, lines_hi, wps_lo, wps_hi, line_maxcol).into_iter()); } ret }