# Use "cargo install garden-tools" to install garden https://gitlab.com/garden-rs/garden # # usage: # garden build # garden test # garden check # garden fmt # garden fix commands: bench: cargo bench "$@" build: cargo build --all-targets ${workspace} ${release} "$@" check>: - check/clippy - check/fmt - build - test - doc check/clippy: cargo clippy --all-targets ${workspace} ${release} -- -D warnings check/fmt: cargo fmt --check doc: cargo doc ${workspace} --all-features fix: cargo clippy --all-targets ${workspace} --fix "$@" -- -D warnings fmt: cargo fmt test: | cargo test ${release} cargo test ${release} --doc watch: cargo watch --shell "garden check" variables: workspace: "" # Debug build: garden build -D release='' release: "--release" environment: RUSTDOCFLAGS: "-D warnings" trees: saphyr-workspace: description: Saphyr tools and libraries path: ${GARDEN_CONFIG_DIR} url: "git@github.com:saphyr-rs/saphyr.git" variables: workspace: "--workspace" remotes: mkniewallner: https://github.com/mkniewallner/saphyr yaml-test-suite: https://github.com/yaml/yaml-test-suite saphyr: description: | The high-level saphyr crate provides quick-and-easy YAML importing, exporting and object manipulation. parser: description: Fully-compliant YAML 1.2 parser bench: description: Benchmarking utilities bench/tools/gen_large_yaml: description: Generate large YAML files bench/tools/bench_compare: description: Compare benchmarks fuzz: description: Fuzz testing tools