# Use "cargo install garden-tools" to install garden https://gitlab.com/garden-rs/garden # # usage: # garden build # garden test # garden check # garden fmt # garden fix commands: bench: cargo bench "$@" build: cargo build "$@" check>: - check/clippy - check/fmt - build - test - check/profile check/clippy: cargo clippy --all-targets "$@" -- -D warnings check/fmt: cargo fmt --check check/profile: | cargo build \ --profile=release-lto \ --package gen_large_yaml \ --bin gen_large_yaml \ --manifest-path tools/gen_large_yaml/Cargo.toml clean: cargo clean "$@" coverage: cargo kcov "$@" doc: cargo doc --no-deps --package yaml-rust2 "$@" ethi/bench: | cargo build --release --all-targets cd ../Yaml-rust && cargo build --release --all-targets cd ../libfyaml/build && ninja cargo bench_compare run_bench fix: cargo clippy --all-targets --fix "$@" -- -D warnings fmt: cargo fmt "$@" test: cargo test "$@" update: cargo update "$@" watch: cargo watch --shell "garden check" trees: yaml-rust2: description: A pure Rust YAML implementation path: ${GARDEN_CONFIG_DIR} url: "git@github.com:Ethiraric/yaml-rust2.git" remotes: byte1234: "git@github.com:byte1234/yaml-rust.git" davvid: "git@github.com:davvid/yaml-rust.git" gyscos: "git@github.com:gyscos/yaml-rust.git" jturner314: "git@github.com:jturner314/yaml-rust.git" mathstuf: "git@github.com:mathstuf/yaml-rust.git" mkmik: "git@github.com:mkmik/yaml-rust.git" olalonde: "git@github.com:olalonde/yaml-rust.git" oldaccountdeadname: "git@github.com:oldaccountdeadname/yaml-rust.git" ramosbugs: "git@github.com:ramosbugs/yaml-rust.git" rocallahan: "git@github.com:rocallahan/yaml-rust.git" smoelius: "git@github.com:smoelius/yaml-rust.git" yaml-rust: "git@github.com:chyh1990/yaml-rust.git" gitconfig: remote.yaml-rust.fetch: - "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/yaml-rust/*" # Access yaml-rust pull requests as yaml-rust/pull/* - "+refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/yaml-rust/pull/*" links: - "byte1234: replace linked_hash_map with hashlink" - https://github.com/chyh1990/yaml-rust/pull/157 - "ramosbugs: emit multi-line string values as block scalars" - https://github.com/chyh1990/yaml-rust/pull/136 - "oldaccountdeadname: introduce or function" - https://github.com/chyh1990/yaml-rust/pull/179 - "rocallahan: Update to quickcheck 1.0" - https://github.com/chyh1990/yaml-rust/pull/188 - "jturner314: Add byte index to error message" - https://github.com/chyh1990/yaml-rust/pull/176 - "mathstuf: mention that types are not interpreted" - https://github.com/chyh1990/yaml-rust/pull/195 - "olalonde: Expose info() api" - https://github.com/chyh1990/yaml-rust/pull/190 - "mkmik: Implement load_from_bytes" - https://github.com/chyh1990/yaml-rust/pull/156 yaml-test-suite: description: Comprehensive, language independent Test Suite for YAML path: tests/yaml-test-suite url: https://github.com/yaml/yaml-test-suite