#![allow(clippy::enum_glob_use)] use yaml_rust::{scanner::TokenType::*, scanner::*}; macro_rules! next { ($p:ident, $tk:pat) => {{ let tok = $p.next().unwrap(); match tok.1 { $tk => {} _ => panic!("unexpected token: {:?}", tok), } }}; } macro_rules! next_scalar { ($p:ident, $tk:expr, $v:expr) => {{ let tok = $p.next().unwrap(); match tok.1 { Scalar(style, ref v) => { assert_eq!(style, $tk); assert_eq!(v, $v); } _ => panic!("unexpected token: {:?}", tok), } }}; } macro_rules! end { ($p:ident) => {{ assert_eq!($p.next(), None); }}; } /// test cases in libyaml scanner.c #[test] fn test_empty() { let s = ""; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_scalar() { let s = "a scalar"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_explicit_scalar() { let s = "--- 'a scalar' ... "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, DocumentStart); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted, _)); next!(p, DocumentEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_multiple_documents() { let s = " 'a scalar' --- 'a scalar' --- 'a scalar' "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted, _)); next!(p, DocumentStart); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted, _)); next!(p, DocumentStart); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted, _)); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_a_flow_sequence() { let s = "[item 1, item 2, item 3]"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, FlowSequenceStart); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 1"); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, FlowSequenceEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_a_flow_mapping() { let s = " { a simple key: a value, # Note that the KEY token is produced. ? a complex key: another value, } "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, FlowMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "a complex key"); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, FlowMappingEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_block_sequences() { let s = " - item 1 - item 2 - - item 3.1 - item 3.2 - key 1: value 1 key 2: value 2 "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 2"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 3.1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 3.2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 1"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 1"); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 2"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_block_mappings() { let s = " a simple key: a value # The KEY token is produced here. ? a complex key : another value a mapping: key 1: value 1 key 2: value 2 a sequence: - item 1 - item 2 "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); // libyaml comment seems to be wrong next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_no_block_sequence_start() { let s = " key: - item 1 - item 2 "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key"); next!(p, Value); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_collections_in_sequence() { let s = " - - item 1 - item 2 - key 1: value 1 key 2: value 2 - ? complex key : complex value "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 1"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 1"); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 2"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "complex key"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "complex value"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_collections_in_mapping() { let s = " ? a sequence : - item 1 - item 2 ? a mapping : key 1: value 1 key 2: value 2 "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "a sequence"); next!(p, Value); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "a mapping"); next!(p, Value); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 1"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 1"); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 2"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_spec_ex7_3() { let s = " { ? foo :, : bar, } "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, FlowMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "foo"); next!(p, Value); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "bar"); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, FlowMappingEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_plain_scalar_starting_with_indicators_in_flow() { // "Plain scalars must not begin with most indicators, as this would cause ambiguity with // other YAML constructs. However, the “:”, “?” and “-” indicators may be used as the first // character if followed by a non-space “safe” character, as this causes no ambiguity." let s = "{a: :b}"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, FlowMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "a"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, ":b"); next!(p, FlowMappingEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); let s = "{a: ?b}"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, FlowMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "a"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "?b"); next!(p, FlowMappingEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_plain_scalar_starting_with_indicators_in_block() { let s = ":a"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, ":a"); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); let s = "?a"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "?a"); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_plain_scalar_containing_indicators_in_block() { let s = "a:,b"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "a:,b"); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); let s = ":,b"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, ":,b"); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_scanner_cr() { let s = "---\r\n- tok1\r\n- tok2"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, DocumentStart); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "tok1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "tok2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_uri() { // TODO } #[test] fn test_uri_escapes() { // TODO }