use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::{char, fmt}; use std::error::Error; #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)] pub enum TEncoding { Utf8 } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)] pub enum TScalarStyle { Any, Plain, SingleQuoted, DoubleQuoted, Literal, Foled } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)] pub struct Marker { index: usize, line: usize, col: usize, } impl Marker { fn new(index: usize, line: usize, col: usize) -> Marker { Marker { index: index, line: line, col: col } } pub fn index(&self) -> usize { self.index } pub fn line(&self) -> usize { self.line } pub fn col(&self) -> usize { self.col } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)] pub struct ScanError { mark: Marker, info: String, } impl ScanError { pub fn new(loc: Marker, info: &str) -> ScanError { ScanError { mark: loc, info: info.to_owned() } } pub fn marker(&self) -> &Marker { &self.mark } } impl Error for ScanError { fn description(&self) -> &str { } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> { None } } impl fmt::Display for ScanError { // col starts from 0 fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(formatter, "{} at line {} column {}",, self.mark.line, self.mark.col + 1) } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)] pub enum TokenType { NoToken, StreamStart(TEncoding), StreamEnd, /// major, minor VersionDirective(u32, u32), /// handle, prefix TagDirective(String, String), DocumentStart, DocumentEnd, BlockSequenceStart, BlockMappingStart, BlockEnd, FlowSequenceStart, FlowSequenceEnd, FlowMappingStart, FlowMappingEnd, BlockEntry, FlowEntry, Key, Value, Alias(String), Anchor(String), /// handle, suffix Tag(String, String), Scalar(TScalarStyle, String) } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)] pub struct Token(pub Marker, pub TokenType); #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)] struct SimpleKey { possible: bool, required: bool, token_number: usize, mark: Marker, } impl SimpleKey { fn new(mark: Marker) -> SimpleKey { SimpleKey { possible: false, required: false, token_number: 0, mark: mark, } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Scanner { rdr: T, mark: Marker, tokens: VecDeque, buffer: VecDeque, error: Option, stream_start_produced: bool, stream_end_produced: bool, simple_key_allowed: bool, simple_keys: Vec, indent: isize, indents: Vec, flow_level: u8, tokens_parsed: usize, token_available: bool, } impl> Iterator for Scanner { type Item = Token; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.error.is_some() { return None; } match self.next_token() { Ok(tok) => tok, Err(e) => { self.error = Some(e); None } } } } #[inline] fn is_z(c: char) -> bool { c == '\0' } #[inline] fn is_break(c: char) -> bool { c == '\n' || c == '\r' } #[inline] fn is_breakz(c: char) -> bool { is_break(c) || is_z(c) } #[inline] fn is_blank(c: char) -> bool { c == ' ' || c == '\t' } #[inline] fn is_blankz(c: char) -> bool { is_blank(c) || is_breakz(c) } #[inline] fn is_digit(c: char) -> bool { c >= '0' && c <= '9' } #[inline] fn is_alpha(c: char) -> bool { match c { '0'...'9' | 'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' => true, '_' | '-' => true, _ => false } } #[inline] fn is_hex(c: char) -> bool { (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') } #[inline] fn as_hex(c: char) -> u32 { match c { '0'...'9' => (c as u32) - ('0' as u32), 'a'...'f' => (c as u32) - ('a' as u32) + 10, 'A'...'F' => (c as u32) - ('A' as u32) + 10, _ => unreachable!() } } pub type ScanResult = Result<(), ScanError>; impl> Scanner { /// Creates the YAML tokenizer. pub fn new(rdr: T) -> Scanner { Scanner { rdr: rdr, buffer: VecDeque::new(), mark: Marker::new(0, 1, 0), tokens: VecDeque::new(), error: None, stream_start_produced: false, stream_end_produced: false, simple_key_allowed: true, simple_keys: Vec::new(), indent: -1, indents: Vec::new(), flow_level: 0, tokens_parsed: 0, token_available: false, } } #[inline] pub fn get_error(&self) -> Option { match self.error { None => None, Some(ref e) => Some(e.clone()), } } #[inline] fn lookahead(&mut self, count: usize) { if self.buffer.len() >= count { return; } for _ in 0..(count - self.buffer.len()) { self.buffer.push_back('\0')); } } #[inline] fn skip(&mut self) { let c = self.buffer.pop_front().unwrap(); self.mark.index += 1; if c == '\n' { self.mark.line += 1; self.mark.col = 0; } else { self.mark.col += 1; } } #[inline] fn skip_line(&mut self) { if self.buffer[0] == '\r' && self.buffer[1] == '\n' { self.skip(); self.skip(); } else if is_break(self.buffer[0]) { self.skip(); } } #[inline] fn ch(&self) -> char { self.buffer[0] } #[inline] fn ch_is(&self, c: char) -> bool { self.buffer[0] == c } #[allow(dead_code)] #[inline] fn eof(&self) -> bool { self.ch_is('\0') } #[inline] pub fn stream_started(&self) -> bool { self.stream_start_produced } #[inline] pub fn stream_ended(&self) -> bool { self.stream_end_produced } #[inline] pub fn mark(&self) -> Marker { self.mark } #[inline] fn read_break(&mut self, s: &mut String) { if self.buffer[0] == '\r' && self.buffer[1] == '\n' { s.push('\n'); self.skip(); self.skip(); } else if self.buffer[0] == '\r' || self.buffer[0] == '\n' { s.push('\n'); self.skip(); } else { unreachable!(); } } fn insert_token(&mut self, pos: usize, tok: Token) { let old_len = self.tokens.len(); assert!(pos <= old_len); self.tokens.push_back(tok); for i in 0..old_len - pos { self.tokens.swap(old_len - i, old_len - i - 1); } } fn allow_simple_key(&mut self) { self.simple_key_allowed = true; } fn disallow_simple_key(&mut self) { self.simple_key_allowed = false; } pub fn fetch_next_token(&mut self) -> ScanResult { self.lookahead(1); // println!("--> fetch_next_token Cur {:?} {:?}", self.mark,; if !self.stream_start_produced { self.fetch_stream_start(); return Ok(()); } self.skip_to_next_token(); try!(self.stale_simple_keys()); let mark = self.mark; self.unroll_indent(mark.col as isize); self.lookahead(4); if is_z( { try!(self.fetch_stream_end()); return Ok(()); } // Is it a directive? if self.mark.col == 0 && self.ch_is('%') { return self.fetch_directive(); } if self.mark.col == 0 && self.buffer[0] == '-' && self.buffer[1] == '-' && self.buffer[2] == '-' && is_blankz(self.buffer[3]) { try!(self.fetch_document_indicator(TokenType::DocumentStart)); return Ok(()); } if self.mark.col == 0 && self.buffer[0] == '.' && self.buffer[1] == '.' && self.buffer[2] == '.' && is_blankz(self.buffer[3]) { try!(self.fetch_document_indicator(TokenType::DocumentEnd)); return Ok(()); } let c = self.buffer[0]; let nc = self.buffer[1]; match c { '[' => self.fetch_flow_collection_start(TokenType::FlowSequenceStart), '{' => self.fetch_flow_collection_start(TokenType::FlowMappingStart), ']' => self.fetch_flow_collection_end(TokenType::FlowSequenceEnd), '}' => self.fetch_flow_collection_end(TokenType::FlowMappingEnd), ',' => self.fetch_flow_entry(), '-' if is_blankz(nc) => self.fetch_block_entry(), '?' if self.flow_level > 0 || is_blankz(nc) => self.fetch_key(), ':' if self.flow_level > 0 || is_blankz(nc) => self.fetch_value(), // Is it an alias? '*' => self.fetch_anchor(true), // Is it an anchor? '&' => self.fetch_anchor(false), '!' => self.fetch_tag(), // Is it a literal scalar? '|' if self.flow_level == 0 => self.fetch_block_scalar(true), // Is it a folded scalar? '>' if self.flow_level == 0 => self.fetch_block_scalar(false), '\'' => self.fetch_flow_scalar(true), '"' => self.fetch_flow_scalar(false), // plain scalar '-' if !is_blankz(nc) => self.fetch_plain_scalar(), ':' | '?' if !is_blankz(nc) && self.flow_level == 0 => self.fetch_plain_scalar(), '%' | '@' | '`' => Err(ScanError::new(self.mark, &format!("unexpected character: `{}'", c))), _ => self.fetch_plain_scalar(), } } pub fn next_token(&mut self) -> Result, ScanError> { if self.stream_end_produced { return Ok(None); } if !self.token_available { try!(self.fetch_more_tokens()); } let t = self.tokens.pop_front().unwrap(); self.token_available = false; self.tokens_parsed += 1; if let TokenType::StreamEnd = t.1 { self.stream_end_produced = true; } Ok(Some(t)) } pub fn fetch_more_tokens(&mut self) -> ScanResult { let mut need_more; loop { need_more = false; if self.tokens.is_empty() { need_more = true; } else { try!(self.stale_simple_keys()); for sk in &self.simple_keys { if sk.possible && sk.token_number == self.tokens_parsed { need_more = true; break; } } } if !need_more { break; } try!(self.fetch_next_token()); } self.token_available = true; Ok(()) } fn stale_simple_keys(&mut self) -> ScanResult { for sk in &mut self.simple_keys { if sk.possible && (sk.mark.line < self.mark.line || sk.mark.index + 1024 < self.mark.index) { if sk.required { return Err(ScanError::new(self.mark, "simple key expect ':'")); } sk.possible = false; } } Ok(()) } fn skip_to_next_token(&mut self) { loop { self.lookahead(1); // TODO(chenyh) BOM match { ' ' => self.skip(), '\t' if self.flow_level > 0 || !self.simple_key_allowed => self.skip(), '\n' | '\r' => { self.lookahead(2); self.skip_line(); if self.flow_level == 0 { self.allow_simple_key(); } }, '#' => while !is_breakz( { self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); }, _ => break } } } fn fetch_stream_start(&mut self) { let mark = self.mark; self.indent = -1; self.stream_start_produced = true; self.allow_simple_key(); self.tokens.push_back(Token(mark, TokenType::StreamStart(TEncoding::Utf8))); self.simple_keys.push(SimpleKey::new(Marker::new(0,0,0))); } fn fetch_stream_end(&mut self) -> ScanResult { // force new line if self.mark.col != 0 { self.mark.col = 0; self.mark.line += 1; } self.unroll_indent(-1); try!(self.remove_simple_key()); self.disallow_simple_key(); self.tokens.push_back(Token(self.mark, TokenType::StreamEnd)); Ok(()) } fn fetch_directive(&mut self) -> ScanResult { self.unroll_indent(-1); try!(self.remove_simple_key()); self.disallow_simple_key(); let tok = try!(self.scan_directive()); self.tokens.push_back(tok); Ok(()) } fn scan_directive(&mut self) -> Result { let start_mark = self.mark; self.skip(); let name = try!(self.scan_directive_name()); let tok = match name.as_ref() { "YAML" => { try!(self.scan_version_directive_value(&start_mark)) }, "TAG" => { try!(self.scan_tag_directive_value(&start_mark)) }, // XXX This should be a warning instead of an error _ => { // skip current line self.lookahead(1); while !is_breakz( { self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } // XXX return an empty TagDirective token Token(start_mark, TokenType::TagDirective(String::new(), String::new())) // return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, // "while scanning a directive, found unknown directive name")) } }; self.lookahead(1); while is_blank( { self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } if == '#' { while !is_breakz( { self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } } if !is_breakz( { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a directive, did not find expected comment or line break")); } // Eat a line break if is_break( { self.lookahead(2); self.skip_line(); } Ok(tok) } fn scan_version_directive_value(&mut self, mark: &Marker) -> Result { self.lookahead(1); while is_blank( { self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } let major = try!(self.scan_version_directive_number(mark)); if != '.' { return Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while scanning a YAML directive, did not find expected digit or '.' character")); } self.skip(); let minor = try!(self.scan_version_directive_number(mark)); Ok(Token(*mark, TokenType::VersionDirective(major, minor))) } fn scan_directive_name(&mut self) -> Result { let start_mark = self.mark; let mut string = String::new(); self.lookahead(1); while is_alpha( { string.push(; self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } if string.is_empty() { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a directive, could not find expected directive name")); } if !is_blankz( { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a directive, found unexpected non-alphabetical character")); } Ok(string) } fn scan_version_directive_number(&mut self, mark: &Marker) -> Result { let mut val = 0u32; let mut length = 0usize; self.lookahead(1); while is_digit( { if length + 1 > 9 { return Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while scanning a YAML directive, found extremely long version number")); } length += 1; val = val * 10 + (( as u32) - ('0' as u32)); self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } if length == 0 { return Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while scanning a YAML directive, did not find expected version number")); } Ok(val) } fn scan_tag_directive_value(&mut self, mark: &Marker) -> Result { self.lookahead(1); /* Eat whitespaces. */ while is_blank( { self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } let handle = try!(self.scan_tag_handle(true, mark)); self.lookahead(1); /* Eat whitespaces. */ while is_blank( { self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } let is_secondary = handle == "!!"; let prefix = try!(self.scan_tag_uri(true, is_secondary, &String::new(), mark)); self.lookahead(1); if is_blankz( { Ok(Token(*mark, TokenType::TagDirective(handle, prefix))) } else { Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while scanning TAG, did not find expected whitespace or line break")) } } fn fetch_tag(&mut self) -> ScanResult { try!(self.save_simple_key()); self.disallow_simple_key(); let tok = try!(self.scan_tag()); self.tokens.push_back(tok); Ok(()) } fn scan_tag(&mut self) -> Result { let start_mark = self.mark; let mut handle = String::new(); let mut suffix; let mut secondary = false; // Check if the tag is in the canonical form (verbatim). self.lookahead(2); if self.buffer[1] == '<' { // Eat '!<' self.skip(); self.skip(); suffix = try!(self.scan_tag_uri(false, false, &String::new(), &start_mark)); if != '>' { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a tag, did not find the expected '>'")); } self.skip(); } else { // The tag has either the '!suffix' or the '!handle!suffix' handle = try!(self.scan_tag_handle(false, &start_mark)); // Check if it is, indeed, handle. if handle.len() >= 2 && handle.starts_with('!') && handle.ends_with('!') { if handle == "!!" { secondary = true; } suffix = try!(self.scan_tag_uri(false, secondary, &String::new(), &start_mark)); } else { suffix = try!(self.scan_tag_uri(false, false, &handle, &start_mark)); handle = "!".to_owned(); // A special case: the '!' tag. Set the handle to '' and the // suffix to '!'. if suffix.is_empty() { handle.clear(); suffix = "!".to_owned(); } } } self.lookahead(1); if is_blankz( { // XXX: ex 7.2, an empty scalar can follow a secondary tag Ok(Token(start_mark, TokenType::Tag(handle, suffix))) } else { Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a tag, did not find expected whitespace or line break")) } } fn scan_tag_handle(&mut self, directive: bool, mark: &Marker) -> Result { let mut string = String::new(); self.lookahead(1); if != '!' { return Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while scanning a tag, did not find expected '!'")); } string.push(; self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); while is_alpha( { string.push(; self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } // Check if the trailing character is '!' and copy it. if == '!' { string.push(; self.skip(); } else if directive && string != "!" { // It's either the '!' tag or not really a tag handle. If it's a %TAG // directive, it's an error. If it's a tag token, it must be a part of // URI. return Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while parsing a tag directive, did not find expected '!'")); } Ok(string) } fn scan_tag_uri(&mut self, directive: bool, _is_secondary: bool, head: &str, mark: &Marker) -> Result { let mut length = head.len(); let mut string = String::new(); // Copy the head if needed. // Note that we don't copy the leading '!' character. if length > 1 { string.extend(head.chars().skip(1)); } self.lookahead(1); /* * The set of characters that may appear in URI is as follows: * * '0'-'9', 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '_', '-', ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', * '=', '+', '$', ',', '.', '!', '~', '*', '\'', '(', ')', '[', ']', * '%'. */ while match { ';' | '/' | '?' | ':' | '@' | '&' => true, '=' | '+' | '$' | ',' | '.' | '!' | '~' | '*' | '\'' | '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' => true, '%' => true, c if is_alpha(c) => true, _ => false } { // Check if it is a URI-escape sequence. if == '%' { string.push(try!(self.scan_uri_escapes(directive, mark))); } else { string.push(; self.skip(); } length += 1; self.lookahead(1); } if length == 0 { return Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while parsing a tag, did not find expected tag URI")); } Ok(string) } fn scan_uri_escapes(&mut self, _directive: bool, mark: &Marker) -> Result { let mut width = 0usize; let mut code = 0u32; loop { self.lookahead(3); if !( == '%' && is_hex(self.buffer[1]) && is_hex(self.buffer[2])) { return Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while parsing a tag, did not find URI escaped octet")); } let octet = (as_hex(self.buffer[1]) << 4) + as_hex(self.buffer[2]); if width == 0 { width = match octet { _ if octet & 0x80 == 0x00 => 1, _ if octet & 0xE0 == 0xC0 => 2, _ if octet & 0xF0 == 0xE0 => 3, _ if octet & 0xF8 == 0xF0 => 4, _ => { return Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while parsing a tag, found an incorrect leading UTF-8 octet")); } }; code = octet; } else { if octet & 0xc0 != 0x80 { return Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while parsing a tag, found an incorrect trailing UTF-8 octet")); } code = (code << 8) + octet; } self.skip(); self.skip(); self.skip(); width -= 1; if width == 0 { break; } } match char::from_u32(code) { Some(ch) => Ok(ch), None => Err(ScanError::new(*mark, "while parsing a tag, found an invalid UTF-8 codepoint")) } } fn fetch_anchor(&mut self, alias: bool) -> ScanResult { try!(self.save_simple_key()); self.disallow_simple_key(); let tok = try!(self.scan_anchor(alias)); self.tokens.push_back(tok); Ok(()) } fn scan_anchor(&mut self, alias: bool) -> Result { let mut string = String::new(); let start_mark = self.mark; self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); while is_alpha( { string.push(; self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } if string.is_empty() || match { c if is_blankz(c) => false, '?' | ':' | ',' | ']' | '}' | '%' | '@' | '`' => false, _ => true } { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning an anchor or alias, did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character")); } if alias { Ok(Token(start_mark, TokenType::Alias(string))) } else { Ok(Token(start_mark, TokenType::Anchor(string))) } } fn fetch_flow_collection_start(&mut self, tok :TokenType) -> ScanResult { // The indicators '[' and '{' may start a simple key. try!(self.save_simple_key()); self.increase_flow_level()?; self.allow_simple_key(); let start_mark = self.mark; self.skip(); self.tokens.push_back(Token(start_mark, tok)); Ok(()) } fn fetch_flow_collection_end(&mut self, tok :TokenType) -> ScanResult { try!(self.remove_simple_key()); self.decrease_flow_level(); self.disallow_simple_key(); let start_mark = self.mark; self.skip(); self.tokens.push_back(Token(start_mark, tok)); Ok(()) } fn fetch_flow_entry(&mut self) -> ScanResult { try!(self.remove_simple_key()); self.allow_simple_key(); let start_mark = self.mark; self.skip(); self.tokens.push_back(Token(start_mark, TokenType::FlowEntry)); Ok(()) } fn increase_flow_level(&mut self) -> ScanResult { self.simple_keys.push(SimpleKey::new(Marker::new(0,0,0))); self.flow_level = self.flow_level.checked_add(1) .ok_or_else(|| ScanError::new(self.mark, "Recursion limit exceeded"))?; Ok(()) } fn decrease_flow_level(&mut self) { if self.flow_level > 0 { self.flow_level -= 1; self.simple_keys.pop().unwrap(); } } fn fetch_block_entry(&mut self) -> ScanResult { if self.flow_level == 0 { // Check if we are allowed to start a new entry. if !self.simple_key_allowed { return Err(ScanError::new(self.mark, "block sequence entries are not allowed in this context")); } let mark = self.mark; // generate BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START if indented self.roll_indent(mark.col, None, TokenType::BlockSequenceStart, mark); } else { // - * only allowed in block return Err(ScanError::new(self.mark, r#""-" is only valid inside a block"#)) } try!(self.remove_simple_key()); self.allow_simple_key(); let start_mark = self.mark; self.skip(); self.tokens.push_back(Token(start_mark, TokenType::BlockEntry)); Ok(()) } fn fetch_document_indicator(&mut self, t: TokenType) -> ScanResult { self.unroll_indent(-1); try!(self.remove_simple_key()); self.disallow_simple_key(); let mark = self.mark; self.skip(); self.skip(); self.skip(); self.tokens.push_back(Token(mark, t)); Ok(()) } fn fetch_block_scalar(&mut self, literal: bool) -> ScanResult { try!(self.save_simple_key()); self.allow_simple_key(); let tok = try!(self.scan_block_scalar(literal)); self.tokens.push_back(tok); Ok(()) } fn scan_block_scalar(&mut self, literal: bool) -> Result { let start_mark = self.mark; let mut chomping: i32 = 0; let mut increment: usize = 0; let mut indent: usize = 0; let mut trailing_blank: bool; let mut leading_blank: bool = false; let mut string = String::new(); let mut leading_break = String::new(); let mut trailing_breaks = String::new(); // skip '|' or '>' self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); if == '+' || == '-' { if == '+' { chomping = 1; } else { chomping = -1; } self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); if is_digit( { if == '0' { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a block scalar, found an intendation indicator equal to 0")); } increment = ( as usize) - ('0' as usize); self.skip(); } } else if is_digit( { if == '0' { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a block scalar, found an intendation indicator equal to 0")); } increment = ( as usize) - ('0' as usize); self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); if == '+' || == '-' { if == '+' { chomping = 1; } else { chomping = -1; } self.skip(); } } // Eat whitespaces and comments to the end of the line. self.lookahead(1); while is_blank( { self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } if == '#' { while !is_breakz( { self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } } // Check if we are at the end of the line. if !is_breakz( { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a block scalar, did not find expected comment or line break")); } if is_break( { self.lookahead(2); self.skip_line(); } if increment > 0 { indent = if self.indent >= 0 { (self.indent + increment as isize) as usize } else { increment } } // Scan the leading line breaks and determine the indentation level if needed. try!(self.block_scalar_breaks(&mut indent, &mut trailing_breaks)); self.lookahead(1); let start_mark = self.mark; while self.mark.col == indent && !is_z( { // We are at the beginning of a non-empty line. trailing_blank = is_blank(; if !literal && !leading_break.is_empty() && !leading_blank && !trailing_blank { if trailing_breaks.is_empty() { string.push(' '); } leading_break.clear(); } else { string.push_str(&leading_break); leading_break.clear(); } string.push_str(&trailing_breaks); trailing_breaks.clear(); leading_blank = is_blank(; while !is_breakz( { string.push(; self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } // break on EOF if is_z( { break; } self.lookahead(2); self.read_break(&mut leading_break); // Eat the following intendation spaces and line breaks. try!(self.block_scalar_breaks(&mut indent, &mut trailing_breaks)); } // Chomp the tail. if chomping != -1 { string.push_str(&leading_break); } if chomping == 1 { string.push_str(&trailing_breaks); } if literal { Ok(Token(start_mark, TokenType::Scalar(TScalarStyle::Literal, string))) } else { Ok(Token(start_mark, TokenType::Scalar(TScalarStyle::Foled, string))) } } fn block_scalar_breaks(&mut self, indent: &mut usize, breaks: &mut String) -> ScanResult { let mut max_indent = 0; loop { self.lookahead(1); while (*indent == 0 || self.mark.col < *indent) && self.buffer[0] == ' ' { self.skip(); self.lookahead(1); } if self.mark.col > max_indent { max_indent = self.mark.col; } // Check for a tab character messing the intendation. if (*indent == 0 || self.mark.col < *indent) && self.buffer[0] == '\t' { return Err(ScanError::new(self.mark, "while scanning a block scalar, found a tab character where an intendation space is expected")); } if !is_break( { break; } self.lookahead(2); // Consume the line break. self.read_break(breaks); } if *indent == 0 { *indent = max_indent; if *indent < (self.indent + 1) as usize { *indent = (self.indent + 1) as usize; } if *indent < 1 { *indent = 1; } } Ok(()) } fn fetch_flow_scalar(&mut self, single: bool) -> ScanResult { try!(self.save_simple_key()); self.disallow_simple_key(); let tok = try!(self.scan_flow_scalar(single)); self.tokens.push_back(tok); Ok(()) } fn scan_flow_scalar(&mut self, single: bool) -> Result { let start_mark = self.mark; let mut string = String::new(); let mut leading_break = String::new(); let mut trailing_breaks = String::new(); let mut whitespaces = String::new(); let mut leading_blanks; /* Eat the left quote. */ self.skip(); loop { /* Check for a document indicator. */ self.lookahead(4); if self.mark.col == 0 && (((self.buffer[0] == '-') && (self.buffer[1] == '-') && (self.buffer[2] == '-')) || ((self.buffer[0] == '.') && (self.buffer[1] == '.') && (self.buffer[2] == '.'))) && is_blankz(self.buffer[3]) { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a quoted scalar, found unexpected document indicator")); } if is_z( { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a quoted scalar, found unexpected end of stream")); } self.lookahead(2); leading_blanks = false; // Consume non-blank characters. while !is_blankz( { match { // Check for an escaped single quote. '\'' if self.buffer[1] == '\'' && single => { string.push('\''); self.skip(); self.skip(); }, // Check for the right quote. '\'' if single => { break; }, '"' if !single => { break; }, // Check for an escaped line break. '\\' if !single && is_break(self.buffer[1]) => { self.lookahead(3); self.skip(); self.skip_line(); leading_blanks = true; break; } // Check for an escape sequence. '\\' if !single => { let mut code_length = 0usize; match self.buffer[1] { '0' => string.push('\0'), 'a' => string.push('\x07'), 'b' => string.push('\x08'), 't' | '\t' => string.push('\t'), 'n' => string.push('\n'), 'v' => string.push('\x0b'), 'f' => string.push('\x0c'), 'r' => string.push('\x0d'), 'e' => string.push('\x1b'), ' ' => string.push('\x20'), '"' => string.push('"'), '\'' => string.push('\''), '\\' => string.push('\\'), // NEL (#x85) 'N' => string.push(char::from_u32(0x85).unwrap()), // #xA0 '_' => string.push(char::from_u32(0xA0).unwrap()), // LS (#x2028) 'L' => string.push(char::from_u32(0x2028).unwrap()), // PS (#x2029) 'P' => string.push(char::from_u32(0x2029).unwrap()), 'x' => code_length = 2, 'u' => code_length = 4, 'U' => code_length = 8, _ => return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while parsing a quoted scalar, found unknown escape character")) } self.skip(); self.skip(); // Consume an arbitrary escape code. if code_length > 0 { self.lookahead(code_length); let mut value = 0u32; for i in 0..code_length { if !is_hex(self.buffer[i]) { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while parsing a quoted scalar, did not find expected hexdecimal number")); } value = (value << 4) + as_hex(self.buffer[i]); } let ch = match char::from_u32(value) { Some(v) => v, None => { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while parsing a quoted scalar, found invalid Unicode character escape code")); } }; string.push(ch); for _ in 0..code_length { self.skip(); } } }, c => { string.push(c); self.skip(); } } self.lookahead(2); } self.lookahead(1); match { '\'' if single => { break; }, '"' if !single => { break; }, _ => {} } // Consume blank characters. while is_blank( || is_break( { if is_blank( { // Consume a space or a tab character. if leading_blanks { self.skip(); } else { whitespaces.push(; self.skip(); } } else { self.lookahead(2); // Check if it is a first line break. if leading_blanks { self.read_break(&mut trailing_breaks); } else { whitespaces.clear(); self.read_break(&mut leading_break); leading_blanks = true; } } self.lookahead(1); } // Join the whitespaces or fold line breaks. if leading_blanks { if leading_break.is_empty() { string.push_str(&leading_break); string.push_str(&trailing_breaks); trailing_breaks.clear(); leading_break.clear(); } else { if trailing_breaks.is_empty() { string.push(' '); } else { string.push_str(&trailing_breaks); trailing_breaks.clear(); } leading_break.clear(); } } else { string.push_str(&whitespaces); whitespaces.clear(); } } // loop // Eat the right quote. self.skip(); if single { Ok(Token(start_mark, TokenType::Scalar(TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted, string))) } else { Ok(Token(start_mark, TokenType::Scalar(TScalarStyle::DoubleQuoted, string))) } } fn fetch_plain_scalar(&mut self) -> ScanResult { try!(self.save_simple_key()); self.disallow_simple_key(); let tok = try!(self.scan_plain_scalar()); self.tokens.push_back(tok); Ok(()) } fn scan_plain_scalar(&mut self) -> Result { let indent = self.indent + 1; let start_mark = self.mark; let mut string = String::new(); let mut leading_break = String::new(); let mut trailing_breaks = String::new(); let mut whitespaces = String::new(); let mut leading_blanks = false; loop { /* Check for a document indicator. */ self.lookahead(4); if self.mark.col == 0 && (((self.buffer[0] == '-') && (self.buffer[1] == '-') && (self.buffer[2] == '-')) || ((self.buffer[0] == '.') && (self.buffer[1] == '.') && (self.buffer[2] == '.'))) && is_blankz(self.buffer[3]) { break; } if == '#' { break; } while !is_blankz( { if self.flow_level > 0 && == ':' && is_blankz( { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a plain scalar, found unexpected ':'")); } // indicators ends a plain scalar match { ':' if is_blankz(self.buffer[1]) => break, ',' | ':' | '?' | '[' | ']' |'{' |'}' if self.flow_level > 0 => break, _ => {} } if leading_blanks || !whitespaces.is_empty() { if leading_blanks { if leading_break.is_empty() { string.push_str(&leading_break); string.push_str(&trailing_breaks); trailing_breaks.clear(); leading_break.clear(); } else { if trailing_breaks.is_empty() { string.push(' '); } else { string.push_str(&trailing_breaks); trailing_breaks.clear(); } leading_break.clear(); } leading_blanks = false; } else { string.push_str(&whitespaces); whitespaces.clear(); } } string.push(; self.skip(); self.lookahead(2); } // is the end? if !(is_blank( || is_break( { break; } self.lookahead(1); while is_blank( || is_break( { if is_blank( { if leading_blanks && (self.mark.col as isize) < indent && == '\t' { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "while scanning a plain scalar, found a tab")); } if leading_blanks { self.skip(); } else { whitespaces.push(; self.skip(); } } else { self.lookahead(2); // Check if it is a first line break if leading_blanks { self.read_break(&mut trailing_breaks); } else { whitespaces.clear(); self.read_break(&mut leading_break); leading_blanks = true; } } self.lookahead(1); } // check intendation level if self.flow_level == 0 && (self.mark.col as isize) < indent { break; } } if leading_blanks { self.allow_simple_key(); } Ok(Token(start_mark, TokenType::Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, string))) } fn fetch_key(&mut self) -> ScanResult { let start_mark = self.mark; if self.flow_level == 0 { // Check if we are allowed to start a new key (not nessesary simple). if !self.simple_key_allowed { return Err(ScanError::new(self.mark, "mapping keys are not allowed in this context")); } self.roll_indent(start_mark.col, None, TokenType::BlockMappingStart, start_mark); } try!(self.remove_simple_key()); if self.flow_level == 0 { self.allow_simple_key(); } else { self.disallow_simple_key(); } self.skip(); self.tokens.push_back(Token(start_mark, TokenType::Key)); Ok(()) } fn fetch_value(&mut self) -> ScanResult { let sk = self.simple_keys.last().unwrap().clone(); let start_mark = self.mark; if sk.possible { // insert simple key let tok = Token(sk.mark, TokenType::Key); let tokens_parsed = self.tokens_parsed; self.insert_token(sk.token_number - tokens_parsed, tok); // Add the BLOCK-MAPPING-START token if needed. self.roll_indent(sk.mark.col, Some(sk.token_number), TokenType::BlockMappingStart, start_mark); self.simple_keys.last_mut().unwrap().possible = false; self.disallow_simple_key(); } else { // The ':' indicator follows a complex key. if self.flow_level == 0 { if !self.simple_key_allowed { return Err(ScanError::new(start_mark, "mapping values are not allowed in this context")); } self.roll_indent(start_mark.col, None, TokenType::BlockMappingStart, start_mark); } if self.flow_level == 0 { self.allow_simple_key(); } else { self.disallow_simple_key(); } } self.skip(); self.tokens.push_back(Token(start_mark, TokenType::Value)); Ok(()) } fn roll_indent(&mut self, col: usize, number: Option, tok: TokenType, mark: Marker) { if self.flow_level > 0 { return; } if self.indent < col as isize { self.indents.push(self.indent); self.indent = col as isize; let tokens_parsed = self.tokens_parsed; match number { Some(n) => self.insert_token(n - tokens_parsed, Token(mark, tok)), None => self.tokens.push_back(Token(mark, tok)) } } } fn unroll_indent(&mut self, col: isize) { if self.flow_level > 0 { return; } while self.indent > col { self.tokens.push_back(Token(self.mark, TokenType::BlockEnd)); self.indent = self.indents.pop().unwrap(); } } fn save_simple_key(&mut self) -> Result<(), ScanError> { let required = self.flow_level > 0 && self.indent == (self.mark.col as isize); if self.simple_key_allowed { let mut sk = SimpleKey::new(self.mark); sk.possible = true; sk.required = required; sk.token_number = self.tokens_parsed + self.tokens.len(); try!(self.remove_simple_key()); self.simple_keys.pop(); self.simple_keys.push(sk); } Ok(()) } fn remove_simple_key(&mut self) -> ScanResult { let last = self.simple_keys.last_mut().unwrap(); if last.possible && last.required { return Err(ScanError::new(self.mark, "simple key expected")); } last.possible = false; Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use super::TokenType::*; macro_rules! next { ($p:ident, $tk:pat) => {{ let tok = $; match tok.1 { $tk => {}, _ => { panic!("unexpected token: {:?}", tok) } } }} } macro_rules! next_scalar { ($p:ident, $tk:expr, $v:expr) => {{ let tok = $; match tok.1 { Scalar(style, ref v) => { assert_eq!(style, $tk); assert_eq!(v, $v); }, _ => { panic!("unexpected token: {:?}", tok) } } }} } macro_rules! end { ($p:ident) => {{ assert_eq!($, None); }} } /// test cases in libyaml scanner.c #[test] fn test_empty() { let s = ""; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_scalar() { let s = "a scalar"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_explicit_scalar() { let s = "--- 'a scalar' ... "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, DocumentStart); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted, _)); next!(p, DocumentEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_multiple_documents() { let s = " 'a scalar' --- 'a scalar' --- 'a scalar' "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted, _)); next!(p, DocumentStart); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted, _)); next!(p, DocumentStart); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::SingleQuoted, _)); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_a_flow_sequence() { let s = "[item 1, item 2, item 3]"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, FlowSequenceStart); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 1"); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, FlowSequenceEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_a_flow_mapping() { let s = " { a simple key: a value, # Note that the KEY token is produced. ? a complex key: another value, } "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, FlowMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "a complex key"); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(TScalarStyle::Plain, _)); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, FlowMappingEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_block_sequences() { let s = " - item 1 - item 2 - - item 3.1 - item 3.2 - key 1: value 1 key 2: value 2 "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 2"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 3.1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 3.2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 1"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 1"); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 2"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_block_mappings() { let s = " a simple key: a value # The KEY token is produced here. ? a complex key : another value a mapping: key 1: value 1 key 2: value 2 a sequence: - item 1 - item 2 "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); // libyaml comment seems to be wrong next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, Key); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, Value); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, Scalar(_, _)); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_no_block_sequence_start() { let s = " key: - item 1 - item 2 "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key"); next!(p, Value); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_collections_in_sequence() { let s = " - - item 1 - item 2 - key 1: value 1 key 2: value 2 - ? complex key : complex value "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 1"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 1"); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 2"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEntry); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "complex key"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "complex value"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_collections_in_mapping() { let s = " ? a sequence : - item 1 - item 2 ? a mapping : key 1: value 1 key 2: value 2 "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "a sequence"); next!(p, Value); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "item 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "a mapping"); next!(p, Value); next!(p, BlockMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 1"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 1"); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "key 2"); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "value 2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_spec_ex7_3() { let s = " { ? foo :, : bar, } "; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, FlowMappingStart); next!(p, Key); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "foo"); next!(p, Value); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, Value); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "bar"); next!(p, FlowEntry); next!(p, FlowMappingEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_scanner_cr() { let s = "---\r\n- tok1\r\n- tok2"; let mut p = Scanner::new(s.chars()); next!(p, StreamStart(..)); next!(p, DocumentStart); next!(p, BlockSequenceStart); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "tok1"); next!(p, BlockEntry); next_scalar!(p, TScalarStyle::Plain, "tok2"); next!(p, BlockEnd); next!(p, StreamEnd); end!(p); } #[test] fn test_uri() { // TODO } #[test] fn test_uri_escapes() { // TODO } }