"---\nhr:\n - Mark McGwire\n # Following node labeled SS\n - &SS Sammy Sosa\nrbi:\n - *SS # Subsequent occurrence\n - Ken Griffey";
"? - Detroit Tigers\n - Chicago cubs\n:\n - 2001-07-23\n\n? [ New York Yankees,\n Atlanta Braves ]\n: [ 2001-07-02, 2001-08-12,\n 2001-08-14 ]";
"---\n# Products purchased\n- item : Super Hoop\n quantity: 1\n- item : Basketball\n quantity: 4\n- item : Big Shoes\n quantity: 1";
"# ASCII Art\n--- |\n\\//||\\/||\n // || ||__";
"--- >\n Mark McGwire's\n year was crippled\n by a knee injury.";
">\n Sammy Sosa completed another\n fine season with great stats.\n\n 63 Home Runs\n 0.288 Batting Average\n\n What a year!";
"name: Mark McGwire\naccomplishment: >\n Mark set a major league\n home run record in 1998.\nstats: |\n 65 Home Runs\n 0.278 Batting Average\n";
"unicode: \"Sosa did fine.\\u263A\"\ncontrol: \"\\b1998\\t1999\\t2000\\n\"\nhex esc: \"\\x0d\\x0a is \\r\\n\"\n\nsingle: '\"Howdy!\" he cried.'\nquoted: ' # Not a ''comment''.'\ntie-fighter: '|\\-*-/|'";
"plain:\n This unquoted scalar\n spans many lines.\n\nquoted: \"So does this\n quoted scalar.\\n\"";
// TODO: 2.19 - 2.22 schema tags
"---\nnot-date: !!str 2002-04-28\n\npicture: !!binary |\n R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X\n 17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXv\n Pz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp\n 56enmleECcgggoBADs=\n\napplication specific tag: !something |\n The semantics of the tag\n above may be different for\n different documents.";
"# Sets are represented as a\n# Mapping where each key is\n# associated with a null value\n--- !!set\n? Mark McGwire\n? Sammy Sosa\n? Ken Griffey";
"# Ordered maps are represented as\n# A sequence of mappings, with\n# each mapping having one key\n--- !!omap\n- Mark McGwire: 65\n- Sammy Sosa: 63\n- Ken Griffey: 58";
"--- !<tag:clarkevans.com,2002:invoice>\ninvoice: 34843\ndate : 2001-01-23\nbill-to: &id001\n given : Chris\n family : Dumars\n address:\n lines: |\n 458 Walkman Dr.\n Suite #292\n city : Royal Oak\n state : MI\n postal : 48046\nship-to: *id001\nproduct:\n - sku : BL394D\n quantity : 4\n description : Basketball\n price : 450.00\n - sku : BL4438H\n quantity : 1\n description : Super Hoop\n price : 2392.00\ntax : 251.42\ntotal: 4443.52\ncomments:\n Late afternoon is best.\n Backup contact is Nancy\n Billsmer @ 338-4338.";
"---\nTime: 2001-11-23 15:01:42 -5\nUser: ed\nWarning:\n This is an error message\n for the log file\n---\nTime: 2001-11-23 15:02:31 -5\nUser: ed\nWarning:\n A slightly different error\n message.\n---\nDate: 2001-11-23 15:03:17 -5\nUser: ed\nFatal:\n Unknown variable \"bar\"\nStack:\n - file: TopClass.py\n line: 23\n code: |\n x = MoreObject(\"345\\n\")\n - file: MoreClass.py\n line: 58\n code: |-\n foo = bar";
" # Leading comment line spaces are\n # neither content nor indentation.\n\nNot indented:\n By one space: |\n By four\n spaces\n Flow style: [ # Leading spaces\n By two, # in flow style\n Also by two, # are neither\n\tStill by two # content nor\n ] # indentation.";